Monday, 14 October 2013

Download Strong 4922 / 4920 / 4922a Firmware and Watch 170 IPTV Channels

The credit of the revelation of this software goes to one of my very good friend. All i did was to test it on my own strong 4922A decoder. Yes as the title implies, the software am going to upload here in this article, will enable you watch at least #170 premium channels on your Strong 4920, 4922 and 4922A. Please, use the software with only the strong decoder listed above, and don’t use it with a fake strong decoder. Finally, don’t download the software into a faulty usb flashdrive and don’t try and upgrade your decoder when you know that power(electricity) may go off.
170_iptv_on_strong_decoderThe list of channels include, Movie channels, music channels, three to four sport channels, adult channels, news and documentary. such channels like eurosport tv, sport 1, extreme sports, nTGEO hd , 1music
  • You must have any of Original Strong 4920, 4922 or 4922A no more no less
  • You must have been able to consistently access the youtube app on your strong with either an usb internet modem or via a router.
  • You must a usb flash drive that has not been infected with virus
  • You must Have a steady electricity supply that must last you through the entire period of upgrading your strong.
  • You must have an heavy data plan, iptv consumes megabytes
  • You must know that you are doing this at your own risk

Step To getting it Done:

stong new settings1. download the Software     SRT4920_133p_130925
2. copy it to a clean usb flas drive and navigate to Menu>>External Devices>>File Manager. This is where you will locate the software you copied to your usb
3. After the upgrade, connect your modem or router as the case maybe. Once connected Goto Menu>>Entertainment>>Iptv
strong 4922A_iptv_menu4. that is all, enjoy any channel you choose to watch. And remember it won’t be blocked anytime soon since its iptv which is equivalent to streaming channels on your mobile phone or computer browser